Marble Hill Community Yoga
Community: a group of people having a particular characteristic in common
Summer Solstice Yoga 2017 at Marble Hill was my first venture into running a community class, supported by the Marble Hill Revived Project. During fairer weather (March - October) we run sessions on Saturday mornings (8-9am). There is not a formal charge for these lessons, instead participants leave a donation; this enables everyone access a yoga class regardless of financial situations (suggested donation for those financially viable £8, £8.50 if paying online) Practice would normally be held at the back of Marble Hill House, on what is known technically as the Pleasure Gardens! The view is down towards the river and is gorgeous.
If you want to join our whats app group, please text me your number and I'll add you to the group - my number is 07952 312057. We've found that this is the quickest way to keep everyone updated. We practice together online on occasion and these details are shared via the whats app group. You can also join the whats app group here:
Online payments:
And so to fundraising, as previously mentioned this is a community based class. These sessions are for the community with it's health and well-being at its heart, with donations split to support both myself and the space which the Marble Hill Revived Project work hard to create; this includes safeguarding the house, investing in it's landscape, building education projects and so on. During recent months, I'm sure we have all developed a deeper appreciation and respect for the nature around us and I'd like to thank the Marble Hill Revived project for enabling us to practice in this gorgeous place, foster our community and share the practice of yoga.