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Therapeutic Thai Massage

In Thai medicine, we look at the layers of the body.  In western medicine, we view the body also in layers - superficial and deep muscles, fascia and so on.  Whilst an ancient art, Therapeutic Thai Massage has never been more relevant

If you would like to come for some Thai Bodywork, please do get in touch by email ( or through the site.  Ideally your session should be 2 hours but I appreciate this isn't entirely practical for everyone and so also offer a shorter sessions which will likely work on one area.


60 mins £60, 75 mins £75, 90 mins £85, 120 mins £110


Those of you who practice yoga regularly with me receive a discount from these prices ;) as part of your ongoing wellbeing regime.  Deposit at time of booking is required.


To enlighten you further, here is a excerpt from my teacher, Natasha De Grunwald, on the origins and differences in Thai Massage......


What's the difference between Thai massage and Thai Yoga massage? Not much; they are different names for the same thing. BUT, there are some huge differences between these two and “Therapeutic Thai Massage/bodywork’ 

The word ‘yoga’ has been a recent, western addition added to the name Thai Massage and is really only relevant due to the stretching aspect of it. As we already know ‘yoga’ is a one-person practice and Thai (Yoga) Massage involves two people. So, they have similarities (stretching) but are actually very different.

One of the big differences is that when doing yoga, the person is using muscle control and during Thai massage the motor control is mainly switched off or not engaged, i.e. the receiver is relaxed and not moving their own body.

If you are having Thai (Yoga) Massage it is likely you will be stretched a little, unless you are having therapeutic Thai massage where you may or may not be stretched at all.  

This is the modality which honours tradition, is part of the Thai Medical system and where we can see the most diversity. A Thai Massage given through this lens might include stretching, pressing and thumbing, but it is much more complex as each session will vary.

For example: The consultation is used along with pulse diagnosis to establish what is needed before the treatment starts.

It is traditional to use scarves to massage with. In treatment you might experience abdominal massage, scraping, cupping, the use of hot herbal compresses, medicinal oils, stabilising stretches, traction and much more.

So you can see from this that there is a much wider variety of techniques with the focus being therapeutic rather than just relaxation.

Ancient yet never more current

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